Personalized crew profiles let you showcase yourself, link your IMDb, list references, and increase your visibility.

See where you need to be and when, and block out unavailable dates to ensure your holidays are never overlooked.

Find industry suppliers to find exactly what you need and where. Refine by location and reach out directly through the app.

Peer-to-peer messaging: send messages, files, and photos—all within the app.

Receive message requests from people outside your production and connect with the wider industry.

Prefer not to be listed publicly but still want to access all the great features and tools? Switch on Incognito mode to remain invisible while enjoying full functionality.

Find other crew on the platform, whether you're looking to build your team or network.

Your production can send quick memos, notifications, and documents, giving your inbox a break.

Personalized crew profiles let you showcase yourself, link your IMDb, list references, and increase your visibility.
Plus Much More
Make sure you are getting the right work life balance, block out days you are unavailable.
Your data is completely secure we us, want to fly even further under the radar flick yourself onto incognito mode and disappear.
We are constantly working on Sixth Degree, adding new features, improving. We love to hear from you about what you want to see.
Sixth Degree hosts one of a kind events, from parties, to networking, to technology showcases, you can only be invited if you're signed up.
Make sure you are getting the right work life balance, block out days you are unavailable.
Your data is completely secure we us, want to fly even further under the radar flick yourself onto incognito mode and disappear.
We are constantly working on Sixth Degree, adding new features, improving. We love to hear from you about what you want to see.
Do what you love
Sixth Degree handles so much of the mundane parts of your job to allow you to focus on what you really love.
Maintain a healthy work-life balance by blocking out days when you’re unavailable.
Your data is completely secure with us. Want to stay even more under the radar? Switch to Incognito mode and disappear from view.
We’re always enhancing Sixth Degree with new features and improvements. We’d love to hear your suggestions on what you’d like to see next.
Sixth Degree hosts exclusive events—from parties and networking to technology showcases. You can only be invited if you're signed up.